Piel Salud

Solar callus: Recovering our relationship with the sun

Without the sun, there is no life. It's that simple. But over the years we have been led to believe that it is our enemy, that we must protect ourselves from it at all costs, that its light harms us, ages us and makes us sick. We have been disconnected from the star that rules everything. But the reality is different: the sun is not the problem, it is the state in which our body is in order to receive it.

El callo solar: Recuperando nuestra relación con el sol

What is not a solar callus?

When you Google “solar callus,” you’ll find a barrage of misinformation. Alarmist statements claiming that it’s all about unprotected, irresponsible sun exposure. That the sun burns, that the sun ages, that the sun kills. The same old dogmas are repeated without questioning anything. But have you ever wondered why the sun, the same sun that made life possible, would suddenly be a mortal enemy?

The real problem is not with the sun, but with those who have lost their connection to it. Our bodies have been hacked by modernity: artificial lights that destroy circadian rhythms, screens that disconnect us from the natural cycle of day and night, processed foods that make us inflamed, sunscreens full of chemicals that block the biological function of the skin. And so, generation after generation, we have lost the ability to receive sunlight properly.

What is solar callus?

Solar Callus is not just about not getting sunburned. It is the body's ability to effectively absorb and use sunlight without causing cellular damage. It is a biological adaptation that we have lost and that we can regain. The key is to retrain our skin and our circadian rhythms to function again as they did before modernity interfered.

When you expose yourself progressively to sunlight naturally, you activate fundamental cellular processes:

Melanin production: The skin develops a greater tolerance to UV radiation.

Vitamin D synthesis: Essential for bone, immune and hormonal health.

. Activation of the endocannabinoid system: Regulates inflammation and immune response.

. Subcellular melatonin production: Crucial antioxidant for cell regeneration and longevity.

. Structuring intracellular water: Improves hydration and mitochondrial function.

How is solar callus built?

1. Restore circadian rhythms: The biological clock is the basis of everything. If it is not in order, the skin does not adapt to the sun, the immune system does not respond correctly and cellular damage is imminent. Seeing natural light at dawn and avoiding artificial light at night is the first step.

2. Exposure to infrared and red light at dawn: This spectrum of light prepares the skin to receive ultraviolet light later in the day. It is the natural protection that nature designed for us. Without this preparation, the midday sun is harsh. With it, it is medicine.

3. Sunlight-aligned diet: It's not just what you eat that matters, but when you eat it. Eating during daylight hours and avoiding nighttime eating optimizes cellular processes and improves the skin's response to UV radiation. Intermittent fasting also plays a crucial role in solar adaptation.

4. Progressive sun exposure: It's not about going from total shade to hours under direct sunlight in the middle of summer. The process is gradual. Starting with the soft light of the morning and gradually increasing exposure allows the skin to produce melanin and antioxidants that protect it naturally.

5. Avoid artificial light at night: Artificial blue light from screens and light bulbs destroys melatonin, prevents cell regeneration and disrupts biological clocks. Without proper melatonin production, the skin is much more vulnerable to sun damage.

6. DHA consumption and reduced omega-6: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is essential for cell membrane function and adaptation to the sun. Vegetable oils rich in omega-6 generate inflammation and make the skin more susceptible to sun damage.

Many of you ask me about whether or not to use or how to apply sunscreens or activators. In view of the good weather, we will write another specific article about it. But if you can't wait, I encourage you to read an article where I talked about this topic that you can read here: Sunscreen – Attura


In the meantime, if you want, I recommend this solar activator:

With it you will be able to keep your skin hydrated while you are exposed to the sun. Designed to combat dehydration caused by UV rays, this cream boosts the production of melanin, vital for neutralizing the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and facilitating the production of vitamin D.

Scientific evidence of solar callus

Recent studies have confirmed the health benefits of sunlight:

Red and infrared light: Protect against UV damage and increase collagen production (Barolet et al. 2008).

The benefits of sunbathing for our immune system (2024): TecScience points out that, in addition to improving sleep quality, moderate exposure to the sun contributes to achieving optimal levels of vitamin D and strengthens the immune system.

. Study Reveals Impact of Morning Sunlight on Sleep Quality" (2024): This research, published in the Journal of Health Psychology , found that exposure to sunlight during the early hours of the day helps regulate circadian rhythms and improves sleep quality. Participants who were exposed to sunlight in the morning reported deeper sleep and fewer nighttime awakenings.

The study by Weller et al. (2013) highlights the crucial role of nitric oxide (NO) in cardiovascular health and in regulating inflammation, especially in the context of sunlight exposure. Nitric oxide is a key molecule produced by the body that acts as a vasodilator, meaning it helps dilate blood vessels, thereby improving circulation and reducing blood pressure.

. Reduces chronic inflammation by modulating the inflammatory response of the immune system, which may have positive effects on conditions such as arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases.

The study by Plikus et al. (2015) suggests that moderate sun exposure plays a key role in regulating autophagy and apoptosis, contributing to the elimination of damaged cells and the prevention of autoimmune diseases. This reinforces the idea that sunlight, when managed with caution, can be a beneficial factor for cellular health and immunity.

The idea that the sun is unqualifiedly harmful has been one of the most damaging narratives in modern medicine. We have been led to believe that we should avoid it, when in reality, the problem is that we have lost the ability to receive it properly.

Detoxify your skin and recover your connection with the sun

Solar Callus is not a fad, it is not a whim. It is a return to what we have always been: beings designed to live in synchrony with sunlight. We cannot continue treating the sun as an enemy without understanding that the lack of adequate exposure is what has made us sick.

It is time to question, to experiment, to reconnect. To abandon chemical sunscreens and use natural ones only when necessary until we adapt, to abandon dependence on artificial light and to rediscover the relationship with the most powerful source of life we ​​have.

The sun is unrivaled. All we have to do is remember how to welcome it.

Are you seeing the importance of exposing yourself to the sun throughout the year, consciously and moderately, without creams or sunglasses?

The sun doesn't burn. What burns is the disconnection.

With love,


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